


Julie Vino的婚紗著重細節、剪裁和用料,今季“The Royal Collection 2020”主打優雅的貴族風格,婚紗的每一寸都滲透著充滿女人味的特質,設計師善用透薄的紗質和雪紡、精緻的釘花和立體細節,塑造出既性感又帶有貴氣的感覺,讓穿上婚紗的新娘子舉手投足之間都釋放典雅的氣質。

許瑋寧也曾身穿Julie Vino禮服擔任金馬獎頒獎人。

美國奧運金牌泳將菲爾普斯Michael phelps 與夫人
Nicole Johnson 婚禮婚紗選定品牌。

Modern Bride by Julie Vino

Modern Bride by Julie Vino. Our fashion journalist Myla Kuche, got to interview the pretty, bridal fashion designer, from Israel. Find out why her modern wedding gowns are so in demand. This collection, features a new head piece look, resembling a tulle turban.

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